I thought I would take some time to give you a peek inside my day to day life. And wow talk about a dirty computer screen, I will be cleaning that as soon as I am finished here! The first quarter of college is treating me pretty well. I am loving my Swedish class! I am taking basic first year Swedish and I love it. My teacher is awesome and I just feel like I am really understanding the language. I would recommend that everyone take a foreign language in college, you will learn so much more than you did in high school. And at least for me it makes way more sense.

My photography classes are super interesting and I am learning a lot but I am not sure it is what I want to major in anymore. Before this quarter started I was sure I wanted to major in Photomedia. But now I am thinking I want to do more commercial photography which is definitely not what the program here at the UW focuses on. I also really like teaching the freshman seminar class which I am instructing this quarter so I am looking into education and history more as a possible double major so I could be a history teacher. See my mind is all over the place. Problems of the college student.

As you can see I decorated my room dorm for Halloween. I actually just printed out coloring pages and colored them with crayons. It feels good to be a kid again for a minute. And I am definitely all about being festive so this was an easy way to get into the holiday spirit. My friends and I are also going to crave pumpkins soon which will be fun! Another thing that brightens my little dorm room is this orchid my roommate bought for our table. It is so pretty huh? And it definitely a little piece of nature right here in my room.

I have also been enjoying Skyping Clark recently. See, there is no wifi in the buildings where they live so in order for us to Skype he had to get a hot spot for his cell phone. Well he got one at the beginning of October. I think that we have Skyped almost everyday since then. Who ever invented Skype was a genius. But I am sure all you other girls in long distance relationships don't need to be told that! Talking to him is something that I look forward to everyday.
What is something you enjoying doing everyday during your basic day to day life?
love, Carlee