Thursday, January 29, 2015

Books I’ve Read 2015

I want to keep track of the books I read this year. So here it goes. I am listing the books in order from first read to most recently read at the end. And same with the photo, left is first read and right in most recently read. I am going to crop in the books after I read each one and I am also going put a button that links to this post on the blog. 

Landline- Rainbow Rowell
I loved this book. I had just read Fangirl and Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell so I was excited to read her other two books. I actually think this is my favorite book of the Rainbow Rowell books. I liked the story. Adult love is interesting and hard and I think she captured that. I also like the ending to most of her books. No “happy ever after” you feel like it’s real life, stuff that could actually happen. 
I feel bad about my neck - Nora Ephon
This is a Nora Ephon memoir. She is most famous for writing movies such as Sleepless in Seattle and You’ve got Mail. I like those movies and I like memoirs so I thought I would read this book. It was a fairly short easy read. But well writing and Nora is really funny. Also gives some insight to NYC living and since New York City is interesting to me those chapters were fun reads.

Attachments - Rainbow Rowell
This was her first novel written in 2011. I liked that it was set in 1999 and I liked the style of the chapters switching from Lincoln's view to the emails of Beth and Jennifer. I like Rainbow Rowell’s books because there is not this “perfect” ending. I mean all the books I have read, have lovely endings but she doesn't romanticize life. Which is nice. Sometime romantic books make life seem too perfect with these books you know that it’s not happening perfectly.

Just in Case - Meg Rosoff
I picked up this book on a whim. I went to the teen novel section and wanted a fun easy read before I dug into my next memoir or biography. I got to say I wasn’t really a fan of this book. It was a pretty easy read (i.e. teen novel) but I just didn’t really like the story. It was about fate and such and it was kind of depressing. I don’t know if I missed some connection but idk.

Carsick- John Waters
This book is 2/3 fiction and 1/3 non-fiction. John Waters writes his tale of hitchhiking across the USA. The first section of the book is titles “The best that could happen” and it’s about what he thinks the best outcome to his travels would be. The second section is “the worst that could happen” the terrible things that could come of this travels. And the last section is what actually happens on this trip. My favorite part is the last part. While not the most exciting I like reading what actually happened since I was expecting the book to be all non-fiction. 

Black like Me- John Howard Griffin
This was an excellent book. Written in 1959-1960. It is the true story of a white Texan (John Griffin) who becomes a black man (through medicine and black stain) and travels through the south at the height of the civil black movement to find out what it’s like to be black in the south in 1960. It is a great book. 
What books have you read this year? 

The Fault in Our Stars - John Green
I finished this one in like 3 days. It was so good. I haven’t seen the movie yet and I wasn’t even sure if I was going to read the book but I picked up a copy at the library and I started it after Black like Me and it was so easy to get into. And it was good right from the start so it was easy to read. It is a really good book. I hope the movie is just as good, and now I can go watch it and cry my eyes out. 

Time Travelers Wife- Audrey Niffenegger
So when I went home to Washington in March I realized that I had a few books that I had boughten in high school that I never read and this was one of them. I brought it back to NC with me and read it. I remember watching the movie when it first came out in what 2009 (6 years ago!) I realized that I don’t really like reading books have I have already seen the movie. It’s like no matter how you try there is still a taste in your mouth that you can’t shake. Anyways, the book was good. Pretty close to the movie. There were some characters and their that weren’t fulling deployed in the movie like the book. Also it was the authors debut book so I thought that was pretty great. A thoughtful well read book for a first timer. haha But I do know that I would be watching any movies if I am planning on reading their books. 

Gone Girl- Gillian Flynn
I think this author must be a total badass for writing such a badass book. I really wanted to see the movie when it was in theaters and I am so glad that I waited and read the book first. (I still haven’t seen the movie, that’s next on the to-do list) Anyways this book is really good, lots of twists and turns. It’s funny cause at one time I was unsure if the author even knew where the book was going herself. Anyways great book and I know I might be in the minority here but I think that Amy is a total rockstar. I know most lean toward psycho bitch but I got to give the girl some credit. 

Thirteen Reasons Why - Jay Asher 
This was a YA book and it was really good. I really like to have a quick and easy read sometimes. It was a book about a girl who killed herself and left behind tapes recorded with 13 reasons (13 people) why she killed herself. It was interesting how it all tied together. I really liked the ending. I also really liked how the author switched from Clay’s perspective (the guy listening to the tapes) and back to Hannah the girl on the tapes. It was a good read. 
love, Carlee 

Animal Farm - George Orwell
So I will admit I have never read anything by George Orwell before this book, yeah I think my public school education failed me. My friend was saying how her favorite book is 1984 also by Orwell and suggested that I read it. Well since it wasn’t on the shelf when I went look for something of Orwell’s to read. I opted for Animal Farm, it is a short read only 100 pages but it is a good book. It’s symbolic of the Nazi/Soviet Time and was controversial when it was published. It was actually published in August of 1945 which was the same time WWII ended. Also, it is a pretty easy read.

The Girl On the Train - Paula Hawkins
This was such a good book! I read it because I saw that Les recommended it on her blog. I really loved Gone Girl and people said that it was just as good. I actually enjoyed it more than Gone Girl. I thought it was a really good mixture of thriller and also I liked how it was from the perspective of the 3 girls. 

Me, Earl, & The Dying Girl - Jesse Andrews
Clark and I went and say Pitch Perfect 2 and a preview came on for this movie. I teared up a little on the preview so I knew that the book would probably be good. So I looked online at my library’s catalog and saw that it was available and thought that I definitely need to read it before there is to much hype and it goes on every hold list. It was good. I think the movie might be better than the book (that’s something I never thought I would say.) The book just didn’t give me those sad emotional feelers like I thought it would. Although I will say that I was actually laughing out loud on 3 separate occiasions. It was pretty funny. 

The Italians - John Hooper
This book took forever for me to get through! It was really interesting to learn about different aspects of Italian life, like there LOVE for football (soccer), the Mafia, their food, their family structure, wars, etc. The difference between the North and South Italy when it became a country and how the Catholic religion plays a huge roll in who the Italian people are. And while it was super interesting it just was really hard for me to get through. It wasn’t a page turner. I think it so heavily fact related that it was just a lot although I am really glad I finished it. Unless you are going to Italy or are just really interested in Italians then I would not read this book. 

America, you sexy bitch - Michael Ian Black & Meghan McCain
I loved this book. I read a book my Michael Ian Black last year and I loved it so when I saw this book on the library shelf I thought it would be a good read. It would nice to read a book about america from two different perspectives. Basic the two of them got in an RV and drove across America and wrote about there experiences along the way. About who they think the American people are and how makes this country great. It was also nice to see that a lot of there points of view aren’t really that different since one it a Democrat (Black) and one is a Republican (McCain). It was an easy read. Also, it read more like a diary or there two thoughts. 
1984 - George Orwell
So I have never read this book. My friend was reading one day when we were at there house and she said she has read it like 5 or 6 times and it’s her favorite book. I remember my brother read it back in high school but I never did. So when it finally became available I picked it up at the library. I really liked this book, so yeah we’ve passed 1984 and we are obviously okay. But it makes you think about mankind and our basic human qualities and if they can be lost without us even knowing it. Will mankind stop progressing? 
Bossypants - Tina Fey
Okay I really did like this book. I am a fan of her’s. I love her in Mean Girls and Date Night. I will admit though that I have never watched any of her on SNL and I have also never watched 30 Rock. But there were so many funny stores and she tells them in a really good way. I didn’t feel like she was slightly smug at some points. But I mean who isn’t smug at some point haha. Good book. 

Sharp Objects - Gillian Flynn
Okay I LOVED this book. I think I even liked it better then Gone Girl. Maybe because I had no other thoughts on Sharp Objects unlike Gone Girl (which was super hyped and I saw previews from the movie.) This was Gillian Flynn’s first novel and I think it is a little darker then Gone Girl more physical pain / suffering. Whether as Gone Girl was more emotion and mental pain / suffering. Does that make sense? Anyways, I really liked it and thought the ended was great and unexpected. I really want to read Dark Places now but there are a bunch of holds currently at my library. 

Rude Girls Make Me Tired - Celia Rivenbark 
This was a very funny book. It’s a modern etiquette book sort to speak. I had thoughts of the same thoughts as the author like “bitch get your slow moving grocery store walking ass out of the way.” And also “did you just feed my dog chocolate, I will punch you in the throat.” Though I will admit at times the author seemed to have the mind set “Rude Bitches Make Me Tired, Unless I am the Rude Bitch Then Shut The F*ck Up.” Still a funny read though and I even got another one of her books so read. 

The Shining - Stephen King
So this was the first ‘horror’ book I read. I decided I wanted to read it after watching that episode on friends again when Joey is reading it and puts it in the freezer haha. So I read  it and it was really good. You can see my instagram review of the book and movie here. I didn’t really get scared by it, I mean it was creepy but it was also written in 1970s so I think some of the things that might have been REALLY scary back then aren’t as scary now idk. But Stephen King is a great writer. We watched the movie after and it was good although different then the book (obviously) I am happy to say I will filing get some cultural references like this one from the Office

Dark Places - Gillian Flynn
Okay so I loved this book. I loved all 3 of Gillian Flynn’s books and wish there was more to read. This one was a little darker, talking about satan and stuff like that. But it wasn’t too bad not like evil spirits more like stupid teenagers doing satanic rituals (not sure which one is worse) but I liked this one. Had my on edge and I didn’t really know what was going to happen until the very end. But I feel like that is what makes Gillian Flynn’s book so good. Anyways, Gillian if your listening, I would love for you to write another thriller novel or .......20 haha

I Remember Nothing - Nora Ephron
This was like her other book I Feel Bad About My Neck. It’s short stories that are pretty funny! I thought this was one better. Maybe a little more open. Talks about her mom, her divorce, working in NYC in journalism etc. All the stories are pretty funny and clever. I like her. It also was a really easy read, short chapters. 

Denton Little’s Deathdate- Lance Rubin
I read this book because Les recommended it. I didn’t have any books on my horizon and thought why not. I liked this book. It wasn’t my favorite. I didn’t think it was very realistic (not that books have to be realistic) but some of the stuff in the book was a little too out there for me (mostly the ending). But that was okay. It was an easy read and there is going to be a sequel for those of you that do like it. I did like the concept of knowing your the day your going to die. Denton is going to die when he is 17. Also, I did like some of the characters, I think the Dad was my favorite which might be an odd choice for favorite but I thought that the Dad acted just how I would image a parent would act in a situation like that. Anyways, sorry if I sound vague I don’t want to spoil anything. 

The Life We Bury - Allen Eskens
At the beginning of October I read The Life We Bury. I found this book via Amazon. So what I do when I don’t have any books on my upcoming reading list or if the books that are on my reading list are checked out what I do is go to Amazon and type in a title I read and liked, for example “Dark Places Gillian Flynn” and I see what Amazon recommends at the bottom of the page. And this was one of those recommended books from my Dark Places search. The book was good. It was interesting and exciting. It was all from the same point of view unlike Gillian Flynn’s novels. It was about a college student writing a paper about a Vietnam vet who was in prison for life because of a murder conviction. It has twist and turns and excitement. 

Very Good Lives - JK Rowling
I picked this one up after seeing in on Elise’s instagram. I checked my library and it was in stock so brought it home and read it. It took about 30 minutes to read. It is the graduation speech JK Rowling gave to Harvard grads in 2008. It was inspiring and well written will a little funny and wit thrown in.

Modern Romance - Aziz Ansari 
I have been wanting to read this book for about a month. I keep checking my library and it is always checked out, and it had quiet a few holds so I knew I would have to wait a little while. Luckily one Sunday it was available so I headed out right away and picked it up. So it’s written by the comedian/actor Aziz Ansari . At first I thought it was just going to be a memoir type book about this love life but it’s actually a really intensive book about romance in the modern age. They (him and a cowriter) did TONS of research. Focus groups, traveling to South America, Paris, Tokyo to research love there, asking people in his stand-up, subreddit groups, data from OkCupid and, talking with tons of psychologist researching current love. Anyways, it is good but at some points I get so anxious thinking about all the stuff current out there for modern romance and I am SO GLAD that I don’t have to deal to stuff like Tinder / online dating haha. It was a good and informative read, I was rather impressed with the quality of the book. Definitely not a fluff book done by a comedian so good job Aziz! 

love, Carlee

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Old Black Boots

I wore this outfit out to dinner over the weekend with Clark. We went to Outback on Saturday and it was SO busy. We were thinking about leaving at first but 2 seats opened up at the bar so we decided to eat there. It was a nice surprise because 2 of our friends we eating at the bar too right across from us. And they even bought us a couple of drinks on them, which was so nice. It was good to see them too because the guy is actually PCSing (getting stationed elsewhere) and he is leaving this week so it was really great to see him over the weekend. 
I think this outfit is a new favorite. I bought this shirt at TJ Maxx the other day for $15 and I love it. I had a bunch of gift cards for Christmas for TJ Maxx/Marshalls like ($150) so I bought this shirt and the last outfit I posted. Anyways I decided to pair it will this dress, worn as a skirt here, and I love it. I also pulled out my old black boots I haven’t worn in forever and made an outfit! I even like the close up photo so much I made it my new instagram profile pic. That is how you know a photo is good. Haha Also, it was Little Sloth’s 2nd birthday yesterday (the shop/ not the blog) so we celebrated with donuts. It was basically just an excuse to eat donuts haha. Anyways, happy Wednesday!
love, Carlee
Shirt & Bag: TJ Maxx
Boots: Old Navy
Dress (worn as skirt): Target

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Down on Paper Project: Week 3

Hey, I am here again on Tuesday evening sharing my latest installment of my Down on Paper Project. Which you might know is my new documentation style for the year that I came up with. I am calling in the Down on Paper Project because the goal is to get all your photos, thoughts, funny quotes, ticket stubs, and memories down on paper. Last year I did the 365 project to document my year and this year I am doing this the DoPP. 
Week 3: January 19-25
I am doing 2 pages for each week. And depending on the layout of the page each page can have up to 12 photos so 24 photos for two weeks seems like more than enough. But again it all depends on the week and what happened. This week I shared 19 photos. This past week I got my haircut, we visited our friends one week night and they made us dinner (hands up emoji), we watched too much Friends, I stayed up ’til 1am working on putting all my photos into an album with each photo labeled (I had over 300 photos), we also saw Foxcatcher and had dinner at Outback with some friends. 
So yeah, this week wasn’t very excited but that’s okay. I feel like this project will help me remember the regular moments/ boring stuff as well. I can look back at the end of the year and think “oh yeah, on January 23rd I made baked potato casserole and figured out how to do sublimation printing!” 

Also I have no idea how to title these things get to for write now I am just going to put all the options on the title haha. Can you believe that it is already almost the end of February?
love, Carlee

Monday, January 26, 2015


Over the weekend, Clark and I went to see the movie Foxcatcher. It was such a weird/good movie. It’s based on a true story. And I love me some Steve Carrell, Channing Tatum, and Mark Ruffalow (they are the main characters.) Steve Carrell was so good in it but in such a weird way. If you are a Steve Carrell fan you know he usually plays really funny characters but this character isn’t funny as all. He is a weird, semi psychotic man. Anyways he does a really good job. The movie is a little slow paces but it’s pretty good. Also, we had the whole theater to ourselves. I also picked up the book at the library, I am not sure if I’ll read it. I read some of the reviews on Amazon and idk. 
Anyways this is the outfit I wore. I got the sweater and jeans recently at TJ Maxx and I love them. The jeans are Seven for all Mankind, and they are so comfy and I got them for $30.00! Score. The TJ Maxx here in Fayetteville is great. I only got one photo of my outfit, we were running late. But whatever. 
love, Carlee 
Jeans, Sweater, Bag: TJ Maxx
Scarf: Nordstorm
Shoes: Belk

Friday, January 23, 2015

Yesterday’s Hair

I wore this outfit the other day to run some errands, get groceries, go to the post office, etc. It was comfy and casual and light enough because the weather here has been like 60 degrees and although it is January I am not needing a coat lately which is more than okay with me. 

Also like I mentioned 2 posts ago and if you follow me on instagram you will know that I got my hair cut on Wednesday. I wanted to share this outfit (with my uncut hair) before I posted any outfits with the cut hair. Nothing drastic but I did get about 1 1/2 off the bottom and then layered again around my face. It feels SO MUCH better and lighter. And the hairdresser I had was so sweet. I went to the same salon (Salon 360) here in Fayetteville that I went to last time I got my hair cut which was about 9 months ago. I had a different lady this time and she was so sweet and gave me a great cut. She also gave me some advice on an accountant to go to for tax season. I love advice on stuff like that from locals. 
Happy Friday
love, Carlee
Jeans: Old Navy
Scarf: Forever 21
Chambray shirt: American Eagle
Shirt: Marshalls
Bag: TJ Maxx
Converse: gift (Amazon)

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Valentine’s Day Cards 2015

Valentine’s Day is close! Can you believe it? Seems like just yesterday it was non-stop Christmas talk. But with having a retail business (is that what I have) you have to be ahead of the game so I have been working on Valentine cards since summer 2014. Not non-stop of course but that is about when I drew up my first valentine 2015 design which is just crazy. It’s January and I am already scheming for Mother’s and Father’s Day this year. Anyway, here are some of my and your favorite Valentine’s Day cards for this year. Some are a little raunchy so avert your eyes if your not into that sort of thing ;)
Raunchy but super popular this year! One of my best vday sellers so far. 
New stickers in stock! 6 stickers. 3 of each emoji. 3 of the heart eyes and 3 of the kissing face.

Valentine’s Day Deadlines
International: January 28, 2015
United States: February 6, 2015

Use code: VDAY15 to get 15% off your Valentine’s Day purchase!
What do you guys think of the cards? Do you have a favorite? I love the last card, I LOVE YOU MORE THAN DONUTS! I actually just designed it this past week so it’s one of the newest cards in the shop.
love, Carlee 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Over the weekend, Clark and I went to the matinée of American Sniper. It was really good and this is the outfit that I wore. Clark and I also got beanies at Zumiez. We went to return a Christmas gift and Clark really wanted a black beanie to we went to trade it in well the beanies were buy on get one 50% off so I got one too. It’s this green one that I am wearing. Clark said I could be a model for Neff hats.

Sorry I am a little late today with the post, again. Maybe at some point I will get my post out on time. I got my haircut this afternoon and it’s so light and refreshed. I just got a trim and it layered again around my face but it feels so perfect. Anyways, I hope your Wednesday is good. I am trying a new recipe tonight for dinner that I found on Pinterest. I am excited about it.
Got any new good dinner recipes?
love, Carlee
Jeans & Shirt: Old Navy
Socks: old
Boots: American Eagle
Hats: Zumiez
Purse: TJ Maxx

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Down on Paper Project: Week 2

In 2015, I will be documenting this year week by week using a style similar to Project Life but a lot simpler and more efficient for me. I am calling this method of documentation the Down on Paper Project the idea is to get all your photos/thoughts/memories out of your phone and computer and down on paper for the week. One of the main reasons I have decided to document weekly is because I want to remember the ordinary / boring stuff as well. And if I did it monthly I would probably only include highlights. You can read my original post about the Down on Paper Project here.
I am documenting weekly from Monday to Sunday. Ideally I would post my DoPP spreads Sunday from the following week but here we are on Tuesday evening and I am just now posting January week 2. I think one of the reasons I might have difficulties posting on Sunday is because I am usually putting the spread together Sunday evening and after I am finished it is usually dark out and there isn’t good lighting to take good photos. So I might be posting each week on Monday or Tuesday. I guess it’s not that big of a deal huh?
Week 2 was January 12-18. This past week we had gelato at The Coffee Scene, watched American Sniper, went to Singletary Lake, I did week 2 of the #52weeksofflowers project I am doing, we went to the mall and returned a Christmas present and we got Neff beanies. (buy one get on 50% off), Clark came home for lunch, and the Seahawks beat the Packers to go to the Superbowl!

Also I got a blue 1” binder this past week to hold and display my project. I will be decorating the cover and side at some point and I am excited about that. Like I said last week one of the main things I think about this project is that I can include movie tickets and other physical items like a card I got in the mail on Monday that my Mom sent. 
I am excited to see what next week will bring and to share it!
love, Carlee

Monday, January 19, 2015

Singletary Lake

On Friday, Clark got off work earlier. So we headed out to Singletary Lake. It is about an hour from our apartment and it was the perfect day for a drive and for some time at the lake. One of my goals while we are stationed in North Carolina is to visit all the North Carolina State Parks. And Singletary Lake is a State Park so it was definitely a must visit. The weather was nice too, it was 50 degrees and only a little breezy when we were on the lake. 
We were the only ones in the whole state park except for the park rangers who were out by the front gate. So once we were in the park and out be the pier we let Knox off his leash. He ran around for a little while like a crazy man to get some of the energy out. Then we walked out on the pier and he was really nervous. The dock moved a little bit when we walked on it (you know, like docks do) but Knox was so nervous at first he was hunkered down and like dog army crawling it was the funniest thing. We were trying to reassure him that all way okay. After we got out to the overhang he was fine and he ran around and explored. Clark and I were both a little nervous that he was going to jump in but he didn’t thank goodness. 
On our way out of the park the gate closed. It was only like 1pm so we knew the park wasn’t closed for the day. So I got out of the car and turns out the gate was dumby locked. You know, just had the padlocks on but they weren't locked. After that we headed home and I counted all the abandoned buildings along the way. (There are a lot of them in North Carolina.)
love, Carlee 
Cardigan & Hat: American Eagle
Blouse: Old Navy
Leggings: Nike
Shoes: Nordstrom Rack