Hey guys, I am back with another things I screenshotted post! I didn’t realize how much stuff I screenshotted until after doing my last post and usually I just keep them in my photo album on my iPhone until I am like I don’t need this anymore and delete it. So I thought sharing them here would be perfect also because a lot of the things I screenshot are funny and everyone could use a little humor.

This little mini pottery succulent pot is the cutest! And from hinkleville on etsy. If only I could keep alive cactuses or succulents. I just need a place with a good window ledge.
Have you seen Jurassic World yet? We saw it the other weekend and I actually really liked it. And this part was SO FUNNY haha. Also did you hear that it was the biggest box office opening in history? Also I love Chris Pratt, but who doesn’t?
So my hometown in Washington State is going to be REALLY HOT this next week. I was thinking that it was hot here at 101 degrees but I am so glad that we aren’t getting 108-109 degree weather. One lucky thing for eastern Washington is that it is dry heat and not humid like here in North Carolina. But still I am telling my parents to get that AC turned up.
Voilet Tinder has my favorite instagram feed!! Like ever. And summer with sweets I mean could this photo get any better.
I got this shirt for Clark! I love it and he is totally into fun shirts like this. He calls them his party shirts haha. After seeing this I totally want to do a toucan mug for my shop.
I love these flower/animal art. They are so pretty go check out the flora forage instagram for more awesomeness!
Stay Classy Fayetteville, NC! haha
I 100% agree that love is love and I think it is so nice that anyone across all the US can get married to their true love. But this graphic really made me laugh because the Not Age one with a 16 and a 36 year old. (ummm 16 is a little young haha)
And below a bunch of other hilarious stuff that I loved!
Also I think this is some great advice!
love, Carlee
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