Lucky for us, Clark had the Monday after Easter off. Here in Italian they celebrate Easter big time and so all the italians get the Monday after Easter off of work and school and since Clark works with mainly italians he got the day off as well. We chose to spend that day at the beach. I wanted to explore a new beach since the one that is closes to us I had been twice before. This little park area is in Castel Volturno only about 20 minutes from where we live and about the same distance as the other beach. This beach was a lot different. We parked a little ways away and walked along a trail. We came across some Italian buffalo and Knox was not to sure about them. He wanted to smell them and was interested but then, on the other hand, he was also scared because they were so big. Luckily they were nice, there was a whole heard of them with the farmers moving them down the road.

There were also many wild flowers and weeds blooming along the trail. Purple spiky ones, little yellow and red ones, white daisy like ones. Of course, I had to stop and take photos of each. When we got out to the beach we realized it was a lot different then the other one we have been to. This one was full of drift wood and people has even made a little fort/shelter out of the drift wood. People were building fires and walking on the logs. It reminded me of the beaches in the Puget Sound of Washington State. Knox loved the beach, I still remember the first time we took him to the ocean, he wasn't sure about the cold water and the waves but now he loves it.

One thing I will say that I appreciate SO MUCH after living in Italy is America's mostly clean beaches. This beach is definitely a 'local' beach. No tourist are coming to italy and specifically scooping out this place. So with that said, there is a lot of garbage and washed up plastic and bottle from the sea. It is sad. If you do go to the 'tourist' beaches like in Amalfi or Positano you will not see garbage like this or even really at all. I mean Tom Brady and the Kardashians vacation in those places. It is pristine down there. I just wish they took care of every place like that. But it does make me want to take better care of the environment and it also makes me really appreciate how well we do on recycling in the Pacific Northwest of the USA.
love, Carlee
Shirt: H&M
Shoes, socks, shorts: Nike
Bag: JCPennys