Hey all! I started a podcast. It called Hurry Up and Wait. My goal for the podcast is to give tips, advice, and personal stories to help others on their military spouse adventure. If you didn't know, cause I don't mention it too often, I am an army wife. I have only been an army wife for 6 years but I think I can bring a new and fun perspective. I also really want my podcast to be about informing and I want it to be a positive place that people can come to seek information about military life.
Its main audience is military spouses but if you are interested at all about military life it may interest you. There are also certain episodes you may find useful even if you aren't a military spouse like the first episode Declutter Before a PCS which in non military terms means
Decluttering Before a Move. So if you are moving soon maybe go give that episode a listen and you may find it useful. On the third episode my friend and I talk
about the word "dependa" and how it's an insult and generalizes a certain type of military spouse and shouldn't be used.
Right now I have four episodes publishes and a new episode comes out ever Tuesday so there will be a new one on May 7th! If you are a military spouse or just like some of the content I provide go give it a listen! I would love to know what you think. You can find the links for where to listen to the right of this post.
Or go here :
love, Carlee