So we did the 10K race this past Saturday. It was on my 22 before 23 list and I finally got to check it off over the weekend. The race was held in Fayetteville, NC at the Airborne & Special Operation Museum. It was called Run for the Legend and it was the 7th annual race. They do both a 5K and a 10K on the same day. The route was through downtown Fayetteville and we actually passed some of the cutest houses (I only noticed this on the walking breaks.)

We finished in 79 minutes, so we ran about 12.5 minute miles. Which I know isn’t great for some but that is pretty good for me. Especially since I am not a long distance runner. I am glad we did it and finished it and got really enormous orange t-shirts at the end but for me the 10K was a way to jump start me getting back into shape and losing a few pounds. And it did just that. Which I am really happy about. I don’t just want to stop progressing now that the race is over. I think I might sign up for another 10K and try to do it faster this time.

After the race was finished my body was not happy with me. I had a stomach ache and a head ache and I was not feeling good. I think it was just because my body wasn’t used to running that much and pushing that hard. When I was training for it, I did all my training on the treadmill and Clark said that wasn’t a good idea because it’s different to run outside and boy was he right. So next time more training in the real world and not in a climate controlled gym. It was fun, hard, and I am glad it’s over. Hope everyone’s week is off to a good start.
love, Carlee
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