The photos below are from a walk Clark, Knox and I took around the neighborhood the other day. I loved the photos and wanted to share. My list is below that. Enjoy. love, Carlee
1. Travel to 2 new statesI visited: Florida, Arizona, and Texas! Florida post and when we went to the Hoover Dam/Arizona! 2. Travel to another country. Puerto Rico, Bahamas, somewhere in the Caribbean. I would love to go to Europe but I don't think it is realistic for this year. (No) 3. Submit my Children's Book to a publisher. (Nope) 4. Double my current viewers/followers here on the blog and instagram. Right now Blog followers are at 493 and instagram followers are at 257. Write now my blog followers are at 523 so I only gained 30 followers this year, definitely not double. But I am okay with that, I feel like I gained some quality followers and blogging friends! But for instagram my personal instagram is now at 322 so a gain of 65 and I started a new business/blog instagram @littlesloth_ and that has 526 followers so I definitely doubled my instagram followers. YAY! 5. 2,000 Etsy Sales by this time next year. YES!!! I actually hit 2,000 sales on December 10th so 2 months early which I am really proud of:) 6. Have my products in 10 stores. No but I do have my product in a few stores which is a growth from last year. 7. My own Little Sloth website (.com). Design and code it myself. 8. Continue and finish my 365 project for each month.View January here. View february. March. View April. May. June is here. View July. ViewAugust. September. October. VIEW ALL HERE! 9. Collect souvenir Christmas ornaments from vacation spots. This is something my mom has always done and I would like to start this myself. That way when Christmas comes, the ornaments on the tree tell a story of where I have been and what I have seen. YES view the instagram photo of my ornaments. 10. Do a 5K or 10K. I should honestly just sign up for one right now for May or June that way I know I am gonna do it. I am commitment issues... well with races that is.Did a 10K in Fayetteville NC on June 7, 2014. View post and Clark and I did another 10K in August. 11. Start to expand Little Sloth with more products other then just greeting cards. I have a few ideas in the works but I don't want to share too soon.MUGS!!!! 12. If/When Clark gets deployed this year, write him a letter every single day. (Didn’t get deployed, so that is a win!) 13. Go camping.Labor Day camping trip to Jordan Lake. 14. Go to at least one craft market. I am thinking Rock and Shop Market. (Nope) 15. Attend a military ball with Clark.Here 16. Go to a Durham Bulls game. Post on it here. And then we went again. 17. Go to a concert. Florida Georgia Line and Nelly: June 12, 2014 18. Get and keep alive air plants. Nope, I feel like I am more than okay with no doing this one as it might have been a little bit of a filler goal. Hate those. 19. Practice hand-lettering and calligraphy. 20. Paint a big abstract painting. This one is from last year that I never did.Abstract painting 1 and 2. 21. Get a disposable camera and take one photo each week until it is done. This way I will have a 28 or so photos from 28 weeks and hopefully each one is totally different.Roll number one. #2. 22. Design and offer free printable designs. Maybe gift tags or labels. (Nope)
Updated February 2, 2015
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Thanks for the wonderful comment. I read and enjoy every single one. Have a question for me, I will reply as soon as I can. Love , Carlee
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Thanks for the wonderful comment. I read and enjoy every single one. Have a question for me, I will reply as soon as I can. Love , Carlee