So I haven’t officially announced it here on the blog but if you have been around and follow on instagram you know that we are moving to Italy in July. So we have a while but things are progressing in the right direction. Although we did go to a pre-moving brief on Tuesday the 8th (so long ago now haha) and while we got LOTS of good information about Italy and our next station and the moving processes and out processing process etc. But we did get a little disappointing news. There is a weight limit on the dogs that are allowed in housing at our new base. The weight limit is 70 lbs and Knox weighs 78.2 lbs. I was freaking out like crying and not knowing what to do. Like is it really strict, can Knox even afford to lose weight, do they just look at the records once we get to Italy or do they actually weigh the dog, etc. Oh and we have to live on base for at least the first year so living off base isn’t an option.

So first thing I did was schedule an appointment at our vet to see how much Knox weighs and to see if he can afford to lose weight and how to go about doing that in a healthy weigh. Also, Clark has been trying to get through to the housing and vet in Italy but it’s hard with the time difference and he can only call via work because of the long distance calling. But we went to the vet on Thursday and Knox weighs 78.2 lbs and the vet think that Knox can lose about a 1lb a month and since we don’t leave until July that should be good. But we are going to go into the vet and weigh Knox in a month and see if he has lost a pound or not and reevaluate from there. I am really hoping it all works out because I can’t imagine not taking Knox. Although I know either of my parents would take him in or Clark’s mom would to. They all already have dogs and love Knox so I know he would be fine but still so sad. So send good vibes our way that it all works out. We also got ahold of the vet and housing office in Italy and it does sound like there are waivers you can get but still I am not trying to send Knox all the way to Italy to have some weird red tape get in the way. So goal for him is to get down to 70lbs.

So Clark’s birthday was on Monday and we celebrated early on Sunday with a big dinner with most of our friends in the area! This are some of the best people we have ever known. Great great people. We ate pizza at Mellow Mushroom and got the best cake at The Fresh Market (It’s that big chocolate one in the middle of the photo above!!!!!). It cost $40 but it was totally worth it, although I might have gone with Harris Teeter next time they have a really good bakery and it’s cheaper but really the cake was so rich people didn’t even finish the whole piece and I think we were all like “Where is the milk” by the end haha.
And yesterday Clark and I celebrated at home. He got off work early which was super awesome and we made a yummy dinner, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, and watched the new Vacation movie (you know, like Clark Griswold) it was really good actually. I had no exceptions so that always helps haha. I am so lucky that this guy is in my life, seriously he makes me life awesome and I love being able to grow up with him.
Obviously, there is more going on but these are two bigger events that I wanted to share briefly. Also I need to clean our apartment like made. That is one of my big goals for this week. Get clean and organized. Have a good Tuesday!
love, Carlee