Sunday, May 26, 2019

Everything Everything: Nicola Yoon

I haven't read a full book in months! This was one I picked up at the thrift store. I recognized the cover from a few years ago when it was really popular. I started it and got hooked and finished it in 3 days. It was really cute and well written. It is a YA novel so an easy read. I liked the story and they even made a movie based on the book in 2017! That is how behind I am. I am excited to read the other book by this author.

My goal is to read 10 books this year and this is number 3! I know 10 books is super lame but last year I only read 5 and hey it's May and I have only read 3 so making it to 10 will be an accomplishment haha. I feel like there is momentum to reading like once you read a good one you want to read some more. But once you haven't read in months it is hard to get back into. Anyways, read this book it is good.

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Thanks for the wonderful comment. I read and enjoy every single one. Have a question for me, I will reply as soon as I can. Love , Carlee