Wednesday, April 1, 2015


It’s spring the best. All the budding flowers and trees. These are just some photos that I have taken of blooming flowers and new life on tree branches. I honestly cant wait to get back to NC and see what flowers and pretty spring stuff is happening there. I head back to North Carolina tomorrow and I am just so excited to see Clark and Knox again. It is the longest I have been away from Knox ever and the longest I have been away from Clark in 2 years. It was really nice to come home and see my family but I am excited to get back and see my men! 

Anyways here are some blooms from Washington State! 
love, Carlee

1 comment:

  1. ooh, i love these pictures!!!
    so pretty!!!!

    ***homemade post cards!***


Thanks for the wonderful comment. I read and enjoy every single one. Have a question for me, I will reply as soon as I can. Love , Carlee