Friday, February 7, 2014

Open field

I am glad it is Friday. This week seems to have been extra long. It is probably because we had two short weeks in January, one for MLK day and the another because it snowed so this has been the first full work week in a while and it has been a long one. I am also coming down with a cold so I have been feeling under the weather but I am trying to fight it off and kick it early because no one likes being sick.
The crop top that I am wearing in these photos was actually a lot longer when I first bought it. It was barely was above my waist but now it is far above my waist and I guess that is why you shouldn't dry crop tops in the dryer. Lessoned learned. I also have no make-up on in these photos so go easy on the judgement. Happy Friday folks, enjoy the weekend.
love, Carlee


  1. Pretty look, those boots are so niice<3

  2. I love the bright touches of this outfit. My favorite part would have to be the shoes though!

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