We headed to Raven Rock State Park again on Monday. Clark had the day off so it was the perfect time to head out there. We brought Knox along so I wanted to go on a day that there wouldn’t be very many people. If you go to Raven Rock and want to get the shortest distance to the river you need to head down the Fish Traps trail. I am not exactly sure why it’s called the fish traps since once you get there it is just the river. Maybe the fishing there is really great! I have seen a few people fishing off the rocks.

Anyways we went midday on Monday and there was one other family there swimming and having fun. After about 20 minutes of us being there they felt so it was just us for a while and then two other people showed up so we pretty much had the place to ourselves for a while. It was nice we got to let Knox off his leash and he didn’t bother the other people it was nice. Knox was so adventurous and we didn’t have to coax him into the water at all. It’s about a .9 mile walk to the fish traps from the parking area so we were all pretty hot by the time we got to the water so Knox just jumped right in!
We were a little afraid that Knox was going to get swept down stream or something but he is really strong and actually a good swimmer. He got the hang out everything pretty quick and I wasn’t worried about him which was nice.
So there are water snakes in the Cape Fear River here in North Carolina. They are cottonmouth snakes also called water moccasins. I am always caution of them water snakes to me are so weird! Snakes should not be in the water anyways we actually ended up seeing one when we first got there it was in the water and it was red and slithered away under the water so weird/creepy. But he seemed scared of us haha. Also most of the time we were in the rapidy part so I wasn’t worried about the snakes being out there. But be cautions if you are ever in NC.
Anyways we had the best day!
love, Carlee
My swimsuit is from Old Navy
Follow along on my adventures below!
Your dog is sooooooooo cute!!!!! we have three different rescued dogs and all of them are afraid of water and swimming ;)))
I just found your blog, Little Sloth! I'm in looove with the name hahha and I definitely want to pet your cutie little dog!